




come! Give a try withs of these chords right over typey type! https://didoesdigital.com/typey-type/lessons/custom/setup

ability	ABT
average	AFG
addition	AGS
additional	ALG
article	ARL
Australia	AUS
everybody	EFB
everything	EFG
exactly	ELG
especially	EPS
husband	HUS
husband	HUZ
examine	KP
competent	KPE
California	KRA
request	KW
question	KWE
obviously	OBL
observe	OEB
obvious	OFB
organize	ORG
pedestrian	PED
perspective	PEF
possible	POB

remember	REB
regular	REG
remember	RER
resolve	ROF
sufficient	SUF
suggest	SUG
somewhere	SWR
unfortunately	UFL
whether	WHR

evidence	AEFD

additional	ALGS
articles	ARLS
everybody	EFRB
everyday	EFRD
everything	EFRG
happened	HAPD
happening	HAPG
quadcopter	HOPT
checking	KHEG
correspond	KOER
coughing	KOFG
cognition	KOGS
according	KORG
examiner	KPER
question	KPWE
character	KRAR
cartographer	KRER
questioned	KWED
questioning	KWEG
questionnaire	KWER
questions	KWES
observed	OEBD
obviously	OEBL
observes	OEBS
observer	OERB
obviously	OFBL
observation	OFGS
organized	ORGD
organization	ORGS
organizes	ORGZ
occupied	OUPD
occupying	OUPG
occupant	OUPT
pedestrians	PEDZ
perspectives	PEFS
positive	PEUF
membership	PHEP
possibly	POBL
position	POGS
apologize	POLZ
paragraph	PRAF
particular	PRAR
practitioner	PRER

probable	PROB
progress	PROG
rational	RALG

regularity	REGT
regularly	RELG
represented	REPD
representing	REPG
recommend	REPL
represents	REPS
remembered	RERD
remembering	RERG
remembers	RERS
resolved	ROFD
repository	ROPT
satisfied	SAED
satisfying	SAEG
Saturday	SARD
Saturday	SATD
accessible	SEBL
accepted	SEPD
accepting	SEPG
acceptable	SEPL
September	SEPT
schedule	SKED
question is	SKWE
responsible	SPOP
sufficiently	SUFL
suggested	SUGD
suggestion	SUGS
suggests	SUGZ
suddenly	SULD

somewhat	SWHA
totality	TALT

question it	TKWE
together	TOGT
Tree of Life	TR
traditional	TRAL
introduce	TROU
ultimate	UPLT
everywhere	WEFR
whatever	WHAF

wonderful	WUFL

additional	A/AGS

abilities	ABLTS

everybody	AEFRB

afternoon	AFPB
efficiency	AOERB
everybody	EFRBG
everything's	EFRGS
implement	EUPLT
hyperglycemia	HAOEG
happenings	HAPGS
happening	HAPLG
altogether	HROGT
coordinate	KAORD
character	KARBG
challenge	KHALG
cholesterol	KHROL
inclusive	KHRUF
including	KHRUG
according to	KORGT
compassed	KPAFD
compassion	KPAGS
comparing	KPARG
competitive	KPEF
competitively	KPEFL
competition	KPEGS
compelled	KPELD
compelling	KPELG
characters	KRARS
characterize	KRARZ


Top 100 words


my-strapdiciouses (community-custom)


Punctuation ·

this one actually needs HOELT of basics covered before going full out… do not bother if you low on morale… always go back to Top 100 → then gradually advance from there everyday! InshaAllah!


Proverbial phrases

There is one phrase that really cracked me up!… that is why I place this in this list ha-ha-ha!

  1. Sort

Sort the lesson (newest words need the most practice)

Lesson default

this-one-is-a-must when you have lesson that are crafted for you and needing to be done as-is… are are

Newest words first

I feels this has no effect if there is noLimit word count turned on…


Note: Did you know that any click on the lesson options on the right-hand side of the panel will restart the lesson? Now you do know! Well done!! have a trailing comma.

Oldest words first


Shortest words first


Longest words first


I am blessed with the memory that when found this word… And I am gifted to chord it… It was beyond happyiness… It was pure supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

    🅰🄾 🄴🅄

Wesbite birthed! 1

Wesbite birthed! 2

Wesbite birthed! 3

Wesbite birthed! 4

Wesbite birthed! 5
Wesbite birthed! 6

am priming this website for things relating to Plover, keyboards,& software wise.. Perhaps witha focus on some learning materials? Wesbite birthed! Here, we got a mix but in tandem with <phehrakwru.neocities.org/>


The following is a blockquote:

Suspendisse tempus dolor nec risus sodales posuere. Proin dui dui, mollis a consectetur molestie, lobortis vitae tellus.

As someone said:

m` never too HRAET to sit by the WHA*PLT of a in the TPRUPLS forms...
-- Neutral


Now some code:

/Typey Type/ /Plover/ /Alhamdullilah.../