
my 7 typey types warm-ups

bismillāhir-raḥmānir-raḥīm bismillāhir-raḥmānir-raḥīm al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbil-‘ālamīn ar-raḥmānir-raḥīm māliki yaumid-dīn iyyāka na’budu wa iyyāka nasta’īn ihdinaṣ-ṣirāṭal-mustaqīm ṣirāṭallażīna an’amta ‘alaihim gairil-magḍụbi ‘alaihim wa laḍ-ḍāllīn

Al-fateha 🤲

100 high frequency

I’m always with the basics ever!

my 100 strapdiosious

a polished 100 list of chords that is very satisfying to be flexed into motion… a ratio of 1:2 ROUFL, roughly so… 🤔



ability	ABT
average	AFG
addition	AGS
additional	ALG
article	ARL
Australia	AUS
everybody	EFB
everything	EFG
exactly	ELG
especially	EPS
husband	HUS
husband	HUZ
examine	KP
competent	KPE
California	KRA
request	KW
question	KWE
obviously	OBL
observe	OEB
obvious	OFB
organize	ORG
pedestrian	PED
perspective	PEF
possible	POB

remember	REB
regular	REG
remember	RER
resolve	ROF
sufficient	SUF
suggest	SUG
somewhere	SWR
unfortunately	UFL
whether	WHR

evidence	AEFD

additional	ALGS
articles	ARLS
everybody	EFRB
everyday	EFRD
everything	EFRG
happened	HAPD
happening	HAPG
quadcopter	?
checking	KHEG
correspond	KOER
coughing	KOFG
cognition	KOGS
according	KORG
examiner	KPER
question	KPWE
character	KRAR
cartographer	KRER
questioned	KWED
questioning	KWEG
questionnaire	KWER
questions	KWES
observed	OEBD
obviously	OEBL
observes	OEBS
observer	OERB
obviously	OFBL
observation	OFGS
organized	ORGD
organization	ORGS
organizes	ORGZ
occupied	OUPD
occupying	OUPG
occupant	OUPT
pedestrians	PEDZ
perspectives	PEFS
positive	PEUF
membership	PHEP
possibly	POBL
position	POGS
apologize	POLZ
paragraph	PRAF
particular	PRAR
practitioner	PRER

probable	PROB
progress	PROG
rational	RALG

regularity	REGT
regularly	RELG
represented	REPD
representing	REPG
recommend	REPL
represents	REPS
remembered	RERD
remembering	RERG
remembers	RERS
resolved	ROFD
repository	ROPT
satisfied	SAED
satisfying	SAEG
Saturday	SARD
Saturday	SATD
accessible	SEBL
accepted	SEPD
accepting	SEPG
acceptable	SEPL
September	SEPT
schedule	SKED
question is	SKWE
responsible	SPOP
sufficiently	SUFL
suggested	SUGD
suggestion	SUGS
suggests	SUGZ
suddenly	SULD

somewhat	SWHA
totality	TALT

question it	TKWE
together	TOGT
Tree of Life	***
traditional	TRAL
introduce	TROU
ultimate	UPLT
everywhere	WEFR
whatever	WHAF

wonderful	WUFL

additional	A/AGS

abilities	ABLTS

everybody	AEFRB

afternoon	AFPB
efficiency	AOERB
everybody	EFRBG
everything's	EFRGS
implement	EUPLT
hyperglycemia	HAOEG
happenings	HAPGS
happening	HAPLG
altogether	HROGT
coordinate	KAORD
character	KARBG
challenge	KHALG
cholesterol	KHROL
inclusive	KHRUF
including	KHRUG
according to	KORGT
compassed	KPAFD
compassion	KPAGS
comparing	KPARG
competitive	KPEF
competitively	KPEFL
competition	KPEGS
compelled	KPELD
compelling	KPELG
characters	KRARS
characterize	KRARZ

{{ noteDolores( text = “come! Give a try withs of these chords right over typey type! https://didoesdigital.com/typey-type/lessons/custom/setup “) }}


correctly	KRELG
questions	KWAES
questionable	KWEBL
yesterday	KWRED

observation	OEBGS
obviously	OEFBL
observation	OEFGS
otherwise	OERZ
obviously	OFPBL
offerings	OFRGS

partnership	PARP
potential	PEPBL
permanent	PERPL
manufacture	PHAFR
possibility	POBLT
possibility	POBT
apologized	POLGD
apologies	POLGS
apologize	POLGZ
important	PORPB
proximate cause	PRAUZ
probability	PROBT
progressed	PROGD
progression	PROGS
progresses	PROGZ
purchased	PUFPD
purchasing	PUFPG
purchases	PUFPS
balancing	PWALG
recognition	REBGS
revolution	REFGS
recommend	REFPL
representation	REPGS
recommended	REPLD
recommending	REPLG
recommends	REPLS

reporting	RORPG
satisfied	SAEFD
satisfying	SAEFG
Saturdays	SARDZ
Saturdays	SATDZ

accessibility	SEBLT
receivable	SEFBL
acceptable	SEPBL
essential	SERBL
situation	SEUFP
significant	SEUG
discussed	SKUFD
discussion	SKUGS
discussed	SKUSD
obviously is	SOFBL
specifically	SPEFL
responsible	SPOPB
supported	SPORD
supporting	SPORG
vegetable	SREBL

involving	SROFG
establish	STAEB
substitution	STUGS
substitute	STUT
suggestions	SUGSZ
assumption	SUPLS

activated	TAEFD
activating	TAEFG
activates	TAEFS
everything it	TEFRG
advertise	TEUZ

obviously it	TOFBL
necessary	TPHES
following	TPOLG
tradition	TRAGS
transcribe	TREUB
introduced	TROUD
introducing	TROUG
introduces	TROUS
opportunity	TUPBT
typewrite	TWREU
everywhere	WEFRB
whichever	WEUFR
wonderful	WOEFL
whereupon	WRUP
characteristic	KAERBG
perpendicular	PHRARP
possibilities	POBLTS
recommendation	REPLGS
satisfaction	SAEBGS
satisfaction	SAEFGS

acceptability	SEPBLT
accessibility	SEUBLT
specifically	SPEFLG
responsibility	SPOBLT
responsibility	SPOPBT
intelligence	SPWELS
availability	SRABLT
straightforward	SRAOD
neighborhood	TPAOTD
neighborhood	TPHAOD
knowledgeable	TPHOBL
photographed	TPOEFD
photographing	TPOEFG
photographer	TPOEFR
photographer	TPRAFR
correspondence	KOERPBS
characteristics	KREUBGS
characteristic	KREUFBG
reorganization	RE/ORGS
reorganization	RORGS
responsibility	SPOPBGT
responsibility	SPOPBLT
responsibilities	SPOPBTS
substantiation	STAPBGS
straightforward	STRAOD
straightforward	STRAORD
transportation	TRAEUGS
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious	STPRAPBLG

{{ noteDolores( text = “come! Give a try withs of these chords right over typey type! https://didoesdigital.com/typey-type/lessons/custom/setup “) }}

100 briefs


copy & paste these below into the text field under JSON custom lesson🔧
11	1-D
22	2-D
II	2-R
33	3-D
44	4-D
100	1-Z
the	-T
hmm	H-PL
love	HRUF
also	HR-S
been	PW-PB
busy	PW-Z
ready	R-D
sex	S-BGS
asks	SK-S
csv	SKR-F
where	W-R
idea	KWR-D
being	-BG
really	R-L
reason	R-PB
asked	SK-D
asker	SK-R
haves	SR-S
there	THR
goes	TKPW-S
willed	HR-D
account	K-T
going	TKPW-G
before	PW-FR
season	S-PB
system	S-PL
source	S-RS
asking	SK-G
having	SR-G
sister	ST-R
until	TPH-L
under	TPH-PB
winning	W-G
within	W-PB
willing	-LG
almost	HR-PL
already	HR-R
kilogram	K-G
example	KP-PL
expect	KP-PT
qualify	KW-F
ideas	KWR-DZ
ideal	KWR-L
perfect	P-F
opinion	P-PB
become	PW-BG
beings	-BGZ
respect	R-PT
somebody	S-B
service	S-FS
askers	SK-RS
this	TH
dis-ease	STKAOE
nobody	TPHOEB
energy	TPH-RG
whereby	WR-B
whereas	WRAS
standard	ST-D
welcome	WELG
willful	HR-FL
lecture	HREBG
lesson	HROEFPB
elevate	HR-FT
examined	KP-D
requests	KW-S
ideals	KWR-LS
machine	PH-PB
reasons	R-PBS
something	S-G
systems	S-PLS
surgeon	SURG
cannot	SK-PBT
someday	STKAEU
sisters	ST-RS
central	STRAL
centers	STR-S
thereby	THR-B
diagnose	TK-G
doctors	TKR-S
income	TPH-BG
unless	TPH-LS
notice	TPH-TS
wherever	W-FR
witness	W-PBS
wherein	WR-PB
elevator	HR-FR
kilograms	K-GS
accounted	K-TD
examining	KP-G
expects	KP-PTS
requested	KW-D
perfectly	P-FRL
opinions	P-PBS
punished	PUPBD
punishes	P-RBS
multiple	PH-PL
parallel	PHREL
pressure	PRERB
becomes	PW-BGS
building	PW-LG
builder	PWEURLD
reasoned	R-PBD
respects	R-PTS
seasoned	S-PBD
seasonal	S-PBL
suspects	S-PTS
someone	SPH-PB
entered	SPWR-D
centered	STR-D
somewhere	SWR
defend	TKEFD
goodbye	TKPW-B
grandson	TKPWR-S
doctored	TKR-D
finance	TP-PB
forever	TPOFR
welcomed	W-BGD
welcomes	W-BGS
whenever	WHEFR

accounting	K-GT
whichever	KH-FR
examines	KP-S
examples	KP-PLS
expected	KP-PTD
examiner	KPER
requesting	KW-G
punishing	P-RBG

Manhattan	PH-PBT
measured	PH-RBD
measures	PH-RBS

bandage	PW-PBLG
reasoning	R-PBG
respecting	R-PG
respected	R-PTD
somethings	S-GS

seasoning	S-PBG
slapping	SHR-PG
entering	SPWR-G
standards	ST-DZ
centering	STR-G
defendant	TK-FT
informed	TPH-FD
inform	TPH-F
engine	TPH-PBLG
energies	TPH-RGS
transport	TR-PT
lecturing	HR-FPG
altogether	HR-GT
listening	HR-PBG
elements	HR-PLTS
requesters	KW-RS
performs	PORPLS
manufacture	PH-F
multiples	PH-PLS
measuring	PH-RBG
background	PW-GD
breakfast	PWR-FT
reasonable	R-PBL

injuring	SKWR-RG
somewheres	SWR-S
grandsons	TKPWR-SZ
informing	TPH-FG
unwilling	TPH-LG
forevers	TPR-FRS
whereabout	WR-BT
alternate	HR-RPBT
comforting	K-FRGT
examination	KP-GS
qualifiers	KW-FRS
opinionated	P-PBD
emergency	PH-PBLG
prerequisite	PR-R
buildings	PWHR-GS
spotlights	SP-LTS
somebodies	SPH-BS
thereabout	THR-BT
defendants	TK-FTS
grandfather	TKPWR-F
grandchild	TKPWR-FP
infinite	TPH-FPBT
therefore	TH-FR
transform	TR-FRPL
transports	TR-PTS
wherefores	WR-FRS
comfortable	K-BL
combination	KPWEUPBGS
manufacturer	PH-FR
manufactures	PH-FS
grandmother	TKPWR-PL
grandparent	TKPWR-PT
energize	TPH-RPBLGZ
whereabouts	WRABTS
information	TPH-FGS
preponderates	P-PTS
prescription	PR-PGS

thereabouts	THR-BTS
granddaughter	TKPWR-D
grandfathers	TKPWR-FS

grandfathered	TKPWR-FD
grandchildren	TKPWR-PB
grandmothers	TKPWR-PLS
grandparents	TKPWR-PTS
distribution	TKR-BGS
fortunately	TP-RPBL
deformation	TK-FRPLGS
granddaughters	TKPWR-DZ
grandfathering	TKPWR-FG

the Pwowew pwoject is nyot dead! Fowget abouwut weawnying snyeak thuwunk, buwut I’m swowwy, swowwy, typewwiting many awticwes abouwut it’s pwuwugs/extensions :3 🐰 :3 a week, and yet anyothew week wiww go by, making cawws to ﷲ‎, guwuawding the ٱلصَّلَاةُ, thewe is theweby the wewawds! Awhamduwuwiwwah :3 :3 🐰 I take this moment to giwe exawt and magnyify His nyame, aww pwaises and gwowy Bo to ﷲ‎! Ewewything that is good ascends to His Thwown, The Exawted, The Cweatow of the Heawens and the Eawth! Aww pwaise and gwowy be to the Most High! 🦋🤲 A’meen~
⌚ 2024-06-04T12:30:47 :3098814

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Plover Project is not dead! I’m just taking a bit longer to learn Python than I should. But slowly, slowly, I’m getting there. I just spent a lovely week and a half with my brother, the programming wizard, learning the ins and outs of classes, objects, and Tkinter. When I get back to the city, I’ll keep working on my little proto-steno programs, and hopefully by the end of this year I’ll have a little more than I had at the end of last year. This stuff is too important to give up on. Posted by Mirabai Knight at 1:44 AM

/time/ /Alhamdullilah.../