Plover gifsicle
have typewritten a letter of intent! Praises be to the Almighty…ufdfd,
u+fdfd, looked at a cool GIF made by a programmar with a CLI snippet, encouraging others to make waves other GOO hub…YetanotherPloverpostbKnight
here’s the snippet code…
ffmpeg -i -pix_fmt rgb8 -r 10 output.gif && gifsicle -O3 output.gif -o output.gif```
a few thing before you jump in young pad wanna… you need these at least
- O+EBS software?
- po tate to camera
- some books, or old printed photograph albums
- computer
- gif sickle software
- ffmpeg software
- grit ,determination (must have!)
the least does get long because most would have a setup unlike mr. que?ufdfd,
The process is actually very lengthy… Because I didn’t have it all prepped and mostly because I’m not a live broadcaster… But Allah did make it easy, I knew what to do when I was met with the hurdles…
For example, when I need to take the top-down view for the final stitch… There was no adjustable stand-grip photography tool… But there was the stack of photo albums sitting right there in the cabinet! Allah is great!
another example, where I did receive his guidance would be ensuring the installings of software “packages” both recommended software packages was not part of my beauty… Gnu/Linux disrow Gnu/Linux has made great strides that a hobbies like myself able to figure it out! Pat on the back for me, all praises and thanks be to Allah!
here’s the result, i’m so itching to steno with all that hours that past for that gif
Got’ cha! I try not to have blogs so saturated with photographing and big tiles like viedses, you can head over to to scratch that itch…
I’ve dusted off a repository and made a push to represent!,/lowWPM.gif
before building my reputation
Note: I took this test post from moving, which is another Jekyll theme which is better that this one so I should not have linked it because now you will decide to use it instead of mine.
1. 日本語テスト
This is a Japanese test post to show you how japanese is displayed.
私は昨日ついにその助力家というのの上よりするたなけれ。 最も今をお話団はちょうどこの前後なかろでくらいに困りがいるたをは帰着考えたなかって、そうにもするでうたらない。 がたを知っないはずも同時に九月をいよいよたありた。
From すぐ使えるダミーテキスト - 日本語 Lorem ipsum.
2. 繁体中文测试
This is a chinese test post to show you how chinese is displayed.