bismillāhir-raḥmānir-raḥīm al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbil-‘ālamīn ar-raḥmānir-raḥīm māliki yaumid-dīn iyyāka na’budu wa iyyāka nasta’īn ihdinaṣ-ṣirāṭal-mustaqīm ṣirāṭallażīna an’amta ‘alaihim gairil-magḍụbi ‘alaihim wa laḍ-ḍāllīn
then press down on the toppers with more height from above it! When it does come to the quads and trips/triples press&releases…
eyes on the hands why not? They play like the keys on the piano-?
Play, listen to the child
play, witness the child-@play
do You remember the moment that the child taps the keyboard all so willingly? Yes, I do.
The first time my nephews clacked my gifted keyboard figuring out how to get a complete line if ever plausible… they probably might, though the first that they wanted to stick on the flat screen, was a brief that has yet to be subscripted in accordance to my preferences…