
Di Does Digital


just had a go with the custom lessons over di does digital I’m a very, very proud to be a less than thirty per second WPM typewriter that exists! Ha-ha!

What I’m more than happy about, which evokes supercalifragilisticexpialidocious feels… Is that I’m able to have a custom less on in a PWHREUTZ fingertips!

What’s more, it was an automatically appended with the strokes for hints which is amazing!!!!!

let me share you a sit down with my custom lesson with a block that was gifted from a sub stack article… [insert sub stack article of words spoken from level earth observer][insert link to copied spoked off sub stack and placed on Plover blog@neocities] Jpgoftypeytype

_taken aback by how abundance of multiple options there are which caters to the wide range of stenographers out there in the worldwide plains!

u+fdfd, There's three check boxes, one `new words` ` seen words` ` memorized words`, this is incredible! Flexiblity just by checking these three check boxes! _If I -FB get dull and board?_: uncheck the `new words` _ if I am bothered and have done the new words but don't want to repeat done words at all ?_: uncheck the `new words` and uncheck ` seen words` _ if I am very pro at words that have done plenty of times and want to flex new words into memory?_: uncheck both `new words` and ` seen words` and check ` memorized words`
Perform your prayers and_just play! Have fun and try around!_

insmile import, may you be granted rewards for this commit brother… You and others whom are involved with this engoing life project!:

was looking for who was the one that typewritten the line“ Allah“ and to the best of my knowledge and correct me if I am wrong, this is the one!😄

wonderful lengthy one hundred twenty thousands JS lines! I’m a benefiter of this goodness!


Tapy Tape

U+fdfd, flex random maw you be granted rewards for this commit brother... You and others whom are involved with this ongoing project! may you be granted rewards for this commit brother... You and other whom are involved with this on going live project!:smile:

I worned what other paragraphs I’m able to have the ability to keep this river flowing that is to the latter… Worn I yonder… After the great beyond there’s a mountain to pass and in T-LGT wake there’s a loin lean and mean unseen… I’m going to have to tweak as I go as usual… Ha-ha there’s just no way to keep up with this goodness flowing other than you gotta pray Muslim! Ha-ha-ha that was funny! Ha-ha-ha ha-ha-ha ha-ha-ha ha-ha-ha that is that then what then why then how then would you rather be a slowpoke or a no poke? No show for sure… Hmm that doesn’t flow right… Here let me readjust for a a little bit… I’m just itching to typewrite something that has a great impact… Hmm how am I doing of what you think of me typewriting at the speed of my turtle thoughts? Lull, it is there’s just no entry for“ it is“ but there’s for “is it” bugs me out ya’all! We got to remove that immediately! With haste!ws,ikt Don’t seem like we are able to have a cope KAEP copy of the JS lines into our typing? I’m darn sure there’s a dict for that… Somewhere in the repository on the worldwide plane machine…


Do pray for me, as i will write to the builder, for a chance to earn it in an exchange agreement! God willing! so pumped when I read knight’s post from her blogs, here–thumbs-UP!-machines

/example/ /u+fdfd,/ /Plover/ /learning/ /Tapey tape/ /typey tape/ /art/ /tool/ /public/ /LearnPlover!/ /Alhamdullilah.../